ASTRO KASIHScholarship ProgramUndergraduate Studies (S1)
Academic Year 2010/2011
General Information

ASTRO KASIH Scholarship Program
Undergraduate Studies (S1) Science and Non-Science Major

Astro - Sampoerna foundation (ASTRO - SF) is offering scholarship programs for 40 (forty) Indonesian students who are economically disadvantaged but have shown outstanding academic performance. The students should be professional, have excellent credentials and good leadership skills. The scholarships will be available for Undergraduate Studies in Science and Non-Science Majors (excluding Medicine, Veterinary or Dentistry) in ASTRO - SF recommended State Universities for not over than 4 (four) years.

Information contained in this form is for State Undergraduate Studies (S1) and for students accepted in the 2010/2011 academic year only:
I. Basic Requirements

Applicants must meet ALL the following requirements:
  • Indonesian citizens with a Bali residence identification card (KTP).
  • Under 20 years old by July 2010. 
  • Present evidence of needing financial help to continue their studies, including official letter of economic disadvantages and electrical bills. 
  • Maintain a grade average of 7,00 in high school (from 1st to 6th semester) 
  • (When applying for the scholarship) Have not studied or are not currently studying at any university or receiving any scholarship from any institution. 
  • Have been officially accepted as freshmen at one of the recommended State Universities.
Scholarship Terms
  1. The full scholarship covers the following:
    (i)   Registration fee at the university where applicant is accepted
    (ii)  Tuition fee at the University where applicant is accepted.
    (iii) Allowance for the duration of the applicant’s study.
    (iv) Text book allowance.
    (v)  Internet allowance, to be used for educational purposes.
    (vi) Research allowance for applicant’s final research.Scholarship is available only for regular classes.
  2. Applicant must not work full-time during his/her study. 
  3. The scholarship will not be available to applicants currently receiving other scholarships and/or the scholarship will be stopped once the applicant starts receiving another scholarship.

III. Scholarship payment
  1. Tuition fee will be paid directly to the grantee as reimbursement.
  2. Other funds will be paid to the grantee after he/she fulfills his/her academic/non-academic obligations and shows a good performance in previous semester.

IV. Scholarship period
  1. The scholarship is strictly for 4 (four) years or an equivalent of 8 (eight) academic semesters or less, depending on the course of the study. Scholarship can not be extended.
  2. If the grantee can not finish his/her studies within the set period, he/she may continue his/her study but ASTRO - SF will not be responsible for any fee incurred outside the period that has been set. 
  3. Grantee’s academic/non-academic performance will be assessed regularly to determine the continuation of the scholarship.

V. Leaves

  1. Grantee will not be given leave from his/her study other than the holidays set by his/her university.
  2. If, due to special circumstances, grantee has to take leave from his/her study other than in the circumstances specified above, he/she has to obtain an official approval letter from the University and ASTRO - SF.

VI. Work contract

Grantee is not obligated to work for ASTRO - SF or any of its affiliated company and/or supporting organization, and ASTRO - SF is not obligated to employ or find a job for the grantee.

VII. Sanctions

  1. ASTRO - SF will pass sanctions for violations of scholarship terms, including but not limited to academic achievements and participations in compulsory activities. Sanctions may take the form of a temporary suspension of the scholarship, a shortened scholarship, or a permanent suspension of the scholarship.
  2. In case grantee decided to resign from the scholarship program, any expense that has been disbursed by ASTRO - SF during the program should be refunded by the grantee.

VIII. End of Scholarship

  1. Scholarship will be ended when grantee is no longer listed as a student at his/her university:
    • When the university has issued a transcript that informs that the grantee has finished his/her studies; or
    • When the grantee is forced to resign or can not continue his/her studies because of illness or any other reason.
  2. Scholarship will be ended when
    • grantee fails to meet his/her obligations, or fails to achieve the required academic standard;
    • grantee is involved in any illegal activity, such as drug abuse or any criminal activity.
    • grantee is proven to have forged any information or document in his/her application form; or,
    • grantee is expelled from his/her study or expelled from the university for any reason; or

IX. Other duties and obligations
  1. Grantee must be willing to obey all regulations issued by ASTRO - SF and his/her university.
  2. Grantee must actively participate in ASTRO - SF personal development program, such as
    • Social activities, to be held with other grantees in the same region
    • Orientation program, which will help grantee to understand ASTRO - SF’s vision and mission.
  3. Grantee must keep a regular correspondence with ASTRO - SF regarding his/her academic/non-academic progress during the program.
  4. After finishing his/her study, it is hoped that grantee will join SF’s Alumni Institute and participate in its programs and activities.

General procedures
Application forms are available at participating universities or from Sampoerna Foundation’s website ( or by e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Qualified applicants must return the application form along with all the necessary documents to Sampoerna Foundation by 31 May 2010 (not based on post stamp) to the following address:

Beasiswa Astro Kasih
Sampoerna Foundation

Sampoerna Strategic Square North Tower 27th floor

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 45,
Jakarta 12930
Phone: 021-5772340
Myrtha Keshvari
Program Scholarship - Department

XIII.            Selection Schedule

31 May 2010
Deadline for submission of application form and documents
(not based on post stamp)
Selection process
First week of September 2010
Application collection
Second week of September 2010
First phase selection by SF
Third week of September 2010
Panel interviews and Group Discussions
Fourth week of September 2010
Final reviews of applicants
Announcement and Administration
Second week of October 2010
Final announcement of Astro Kasih 2009 scholarship winners
Third week of October 2010
Scholarship administration process
Schedules may change without any confirmation

XIV. Extra information

A. List of University Partners
ASTRO - SF supports grantees who have been accepted by the following State Universities:
  • Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung
  • Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya
  • Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
  • Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
  • Universitas Udayana, Bali

B. More information
For further information on Astro Kasih - Sampoerna Foundation Scholarship program and registration procedures, visit our website at or e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or call 0817-9923741 (No SMS)


Pengajuan permohonan keikutsertaan PMBP-ITB 2010 Terpusat kategori Beasiswa Biaya Pendidikan, Beasiswa Ekonomi Lemah, dan Beasiswa OSN dapat dilakukan mulai tanggal 1 s.d 30 April 2010
Sebagai Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi yang menjalankan misi untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang “berakhlak tinggi, berkarakter luhur, mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan, mampu dan mau membangun negara dan menjaga keutuhan bangsa”, sesuai dengan ketetapan senat ITB no. 22 tanggal 30 Oktober 1999, ITB menawarkan beberapa jenis beasiswa bagi para mahasiswanya, yang dikoordinasi oleh Lembaga Kemahasiswaan (LK) ITB. Tujuan dari pemberian beasiswa tersebut adalah :
  1. Mendorong kemajuan studi mahasiswa untuk dapat lulus tepat waktu,
  2. Mendorong meningkatkan prestasi mahasiswa baik dalam bidang akademik maupun non akademik,
  3. Penghargaan atas prestasi dan dedikasi pada pendidikannya,
  4. Menumbuhkan rasa kepedulian terhadap masyarakat umum.
Seorang mahasiswa ITB dapat menerima beasiswa karena kekurangmampuan ekonominya, atau prestasi yang diraihnya selama mengikuti pendidikan di ITB. Untuk jenis beasiswa ekonomi, mahasiswa pemohon beasiswa harus berasal dari keluarga yang kurang mampu, dengan melampirkan surat keterangan penghasilan orang tua atau wali yang disahkan oleh lembaga yang berwenang. Sedangkan jenis beasiswa ekonomi yang ditawarkan oleh ITB dapat berupa Beasiswa Biaya Hidup, Beasiswa Biaya Pendidikan (bebas BPP), Beasiswa Tugas Akhir, dan/atau Beasiswa Pondokan.
Selain itu, ITB juga memberikan Beasiswa Penghargaan. Beasiswa ini merupakan penghargaan ITB atas prestasi yang telah dicapai mahasiswa, baik prestasi kurikuler maupun prestasi ekstra dan kokurikuler. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada lulusan TPB terbaik (10 mahasiswa), mahasiswa peraih Indeks Prestasi (IP) tertinggi (untuk setiap program studi, diberikan kepada 1 orang mahasiswa di tingkat 2 dan 1 orang mahasiswa di tingkat 3), mahasiswa berprestasi utama (mahasiswa dengan IPK > 3,0 dan berprestasi menonjol dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler /kokurikuler), dan Beasiswa Karya Ilmiah, bagi mahasiswa yang melakukan penelitian atau memiliki karya ilmiah/karya profesional.
Untuk dapat memperoleh beasiswa, ada beberapa persyaratan umum yang harus dipenuhi oleh mahasiswa pemohon beasiswa, yaitu :
  1. Mahasiswa ITB yang terdaftar pada semester yang sedang berjalan
  2. Tidak terkena kasus/sanksi akademik, maupun sanksi administrasi dari ITB
  3. Mengikuti prosedur yang berlaku di ITB
  4. Memenuhi persyaratan dan lolos seleksi penilaian
  5. Bersedia mengikuti ketentuan yang diminta oleh pemberi beasiswa
  6. Khusus untuk jenis beasiswa ekonomi, mahasiswa pemohon harus melampirkan surat keterangan tidak mampu, dilengkapi dengan surat keterangan penghasilan orang tua atau wali yang disahkan oleh lembaga yang berwenang
Pada pelaksanaan program KN-ITB 2010, serta PMBP-ITB 2010, baik di PMBP-ITB 2010 di Daerah maupun PMBP-ITB 2010 Terpusat, ITB menawarkan beberapa jenis beasiswa. Berikut ini adalah beberapa beasiswa yang ditawarkan ITB :
Beasiswa Program Jalur Uji Calon Peserta
Ekonomi Lemah
PMBP-ITB Terpusat Sains & Teknik, Seni Rupa & Desain Pelajar Ekonomi Lemah, dengan penghasilan masing-masing orang tua tidak melebihi gaji PNS gol. II
Biaya Pendidikan
PMBP-ITB di Daerah & PMBP-ITB Terpusat Sains & Teknik, Seni Rupa & Desain, Bisnis & Manajemen Pelajar Ekonomi Lemah, dengan penghasilan total keluarga dibawah UMR
PMBP-ITB di Daerah & PMBP-ITB Terpusat
Sains & Teknik Peminat program studi tertentu yang kurang dikenal masyarakat, meskipun keahliannya sangat diperlukan di pasar kerja nasional maupun global, yaitu: Astronomi, Oseanografi, Meteorologi, Teknik Metalurgi, dan Teknik Fisika
PMBP-ITB di Daerah & PMBP-ITB Terpusat Sains & Teknik Peraih medali (min. perunggu tingkat nasional) di salah satu Olimpiade Keilmuan tk. Nasional, atau peserta Olimpiade Keilmuan tk. Nasional yang diundang untuk mengikuti PMBP-ITB
Peraih Medali Emas OSN
Bridging Program Sains & Teknik Peraih medali  emas di salah satu Olimpiade Keilmuan tingkat Nasional yang bersedia mengikuti Bridging Program
Info beasiswa lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi situs terkait.
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